As an attendee of Ohio LinuxFest 2009, I received a complimentary copy of the September 2009 issue of LinuxPro magazine. One of the articles in the issue was about Slax, a unique Linux distribution with a modular design that allows you to build a custom distro directly from the Slax website. The article intrigued me, and being the "distro whore" that I am, I had to play around with Slax.
Building a custom Slax distro was ridiculously easy. I visited the Build Slax page on the Slax website, chose the modules I wanted to be included in my custom ISO, and clicked Download ISO. It was that easy!
If you decide later that you have additional modules you want to add, you can return to the website, add the additional modules, and download a new ISO.
It's a nifty concept with lots of interesting possibilites. You can easily create a sub-200MB distro that fits on a mini CD, or create a bootable USB installation as well.
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